Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sometimes things just don't go as planned

Hi Friends!

Can y'all guess what this entry entails? I'll give you a hint: sometimes when you don't read the recipe thoroughly before starting, you have to improvise. Tonight was one of those nights.

It all started off innocently enough. I decided to take an off night from the gym (sidenote: bootcamp and spin class are hard. but it'll be worth it when I'm fit and toned on my wedding day....John and I are getting married! yay! I've never been happier or more excited in my life. I won't bore you with the details considering anyone who reads this probably knows me personally and thus can get the scoop directly)

Anywho, on my off night I decided to be all sorts of domestic: dishes, cleaning, laundry, and of course baking! It is my dear friend and coworker's birthday tomorrow, so I wanted to make something special. I decided upon apple crumble bars as featured on the healthy dessert blog Chocolate Covered Kate. This would be the perfect way to use up some of my surplus of apples and make a delicious yet moderately good for you treat.

This is the link to the recipe:

Looks delicious right? I knew I'd have to make some modifications to avoid driving to the store, but it didn't seem so bad:
-I used up the rest of my wheat flour baking bread, so I just used all purpose white flour
-I was a little bit light on brown sugar and didn't have stevia, so I added a few tablespoons of white sugar to the 1/3ish cup of brown sugar I did have
-Margarine instead of vegan butter (who uses vegan butter?!?)
-Regular milk
-Honey instead of maple syrup
-I also didn't peel the apples out of pure laziness. Plus the skins are full of vitamins and fiber, so it's all good.
A fair amount of changes in the recipe, but in all likelihood things would still turn out well.

What I didn't factor in was my lack of reading skills. You are supposed to mix the ingredients for the crumble part first, then add an apple layer. I just mixed everything together....whoops. I then figured since it was now basically a crustless apple pie, I'd add granola halfway through the baking process for some crunch. Why not?


On a better note, I also baked honey-oatmeal wheat bread (from http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/honey-oatmeal-wheat-bread-10000001168064/)

I pretty followed the recipe, only swapping out honey for molasses. I forgot my bread pans at my parents house so I just let the bread bake free form on my pizza stone. Turned out wonderfully. Imagine that, food turning out well when you actually follow directions! Oh well. I still like my culinary experiments!

(technical difficulties...pics to come soon!)

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